Why Do You Want to Build Muscle?

Why do you want to build muscle? Do you want to look better? Feel healthier? Become a professional bodybuilder? Or do you simply want to feel stronger? It doesn't matter if you are just thinking about building muscle or if you have been training for awhile, if you don't know what your motivation is then you will have a hard time finding the success you are looking for. No matter what you do in life, you should have a clear understanding of your goals and motivation to find real success. Muscle building is no different. Without a clear understanding of what your motivation is, you will have a hard time finding success.

Think about it, if you don't know why you are doing something, where will you find the motivation to continue doing it? Whatever your reasons for wanting to build muscle, it has to be something you are passionate about. Sure, looking better might be a great starting point, but will that desire be strong enough to push you to keep working out when you are sweating and tired and struggling to break through a weight plateau? Find a reason that you are passionate about and that mental goal will be enough to push you through all of the natural challenges that come with muscle building.

So how do you figure out what your motivation is? First you want to figure out one thing, do you want to build muscle for health or appearance? The common answer for most people is 'both', and that is great. But remember, you want to be sure that you have one main motivation that you are passionate about, the other things will follow. What you are looking for right now is one thing that you want so badly that it will carry you through any muscle building struggles that you will face.

For instance, some people have a history of disease and obesity in their family and they feel like building a strong body is the best way to make sure that they stay healthy. Other people have been physically victimized in some way and they want to make sure that they are never put in that position again. And for some people, they want to look physically attractive and they feel like building muscle will be the best way to do that.

Your first job is to take a good look at yourself and your overall fitness goals. Remember, once you find that one goal that you want to reach the most, this will be the motivation for you to push through all of the hard times that come with trying to build muscle. When your heart is pounding and you are sweating and you need that final push to get you through to the next level, that goal will be the motivation that you need.
So let's say that you are looking to shed a few pounds. Why do you want to lose weight? Are you looking to increase your self-esteem? Are you looking to return to a weight that you were earlier in life? Are you trying to look good for an ex? Do you have a reunion that is coming up?

Let's say that you want to lose weight because you want to look good for an ex. Why do you want to do that? Are you looking to make your ex jealous or are you looking to win them back?  Maybe you want to start muscle building because of an ex but your true motivation is not to win them back, maybe your true motivation is to feel better about yourself or to attract someone new into your life so that you can get over your ex. It doesn't matter what your motivation is, the only thing that matters is that you take the time to understand what is really driving you to start muscle building.

Once you have figured out what your true motivation behind muscle building is, write it down and keep it somewhere that you will see it often. You can put it in your gym bag, on your bathroom mirror, on the visor of your car, anywhere that you will see it often. Look at your motivation often throughout the day and really think about how wonderful your life will be once you reach those muscle building goals that you have set for yourself. Remember, success starts in your mind. Once you mentally understand what your fitness goals are it will allow you to push yourself to reach those goals physically.