Lose Your Weight With Weightlifting

Right now, more than half of Americans are unhappy with the way that they look. Almost everyone from the frumpy housewife to celebrities has something about their bodies that they do not like. If you are struggling with weight issues, you are far from alone. But the question isn't whether or not you want to lose weight, the question is what is the best way for you to lose that weight. For many people, they think that cardio is the answer. They believe whole heartedly that when you get that heart pumping you are able to shed all over the body quickly.

And let's be honest, cardio is one key element to staying healthy, no one can deny that. But is it really the best way for weight loss?

The Secret Revealed – Why Bodybuilding Can Help You Burn Fat

It seems odd to think about, using bodybuilding to burn fat, after all cardio is often touted as the best way to get fat off of the body. But in reality, that is a myth, and here is why:
The best way to burn your calories is to look at your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). Looking at your BMR, if you are a man you can expect to burn off 1600-1800 calories in a day. If you are a woman, you will likely burn 1300-1500 calories a day.  Remember, these numbers come just from your BMR.

The next thing you need to do is look at how you can build muscle to increase this number. If you build just 5 pounds of muscle, you are able to raise those BMR calorie counts by 400-600 per day.  That's a huge difference! Imagine how much of a difference you would see in your life if you were burning 2000 calories a day on autopilot, think about how massively that would change your life. When your fat decreases and your muscle increases, you are going to change your life, you are going to reach all of those weight loss goals that you have set for yourself, and you are going to have that toned and chiseled body that you have dreamt of. It is that simple.

Remember, it isn't that you don't need some form of cardio in your life, you do. But you should also be putting a huge amount of effort into bodybuiding. Building up those muscles is not only going to help you to see real changes in your body, it is also going to help you to turn your body into a fat burning machine. You will literally be losing weight whether you are working out at the gym or sitting in your office.
Wouldn't that be amazing?